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CSP Moving to “Mask Optional” and Adjusting On-Campus Protocols


University News

Instances of COVID throughout the Twin Cities and statewide have declined dramatically in recent weeks. Minneapolis and St. Paul have now removed their mask mandates as health experts project ongoing reductions in case counts and testing positivity rates. With these improving conditions, CSP will adjust COVID protocols, moving to “Mask Optional” regardless of vaccination status. The adjustments will include changes to monitoring and other requirements spelled out below. The changes will take effect Monday, February 28. 

CSP’s Portland campus will continue to adhere to local mask mandates.

Most notable of these changes:

  • Use of masks/face coverings is no longer required, but it will be optional for those who choose to wear one; 
  • Formal contact tracing/test result reporting requirements are discontinued, but if you do test positive or are exposed to a COVID-positive individual, please show individual responsibility to communicate with your professors; 
  • ‘Normal’ life begins to emerge on campus.
  • Note-Those post-COVID still within days 5-10 would be asked to wear a mask on campus per CDC guidance.

Throughout the pandemic, CSP has been blessed with low rates of COVID cases on campus,  remaining well below averages for the broader community. Our success is a testament to smart decisions by everyone in our CSP community. 

Common Sense and Courtesy as Guides

Everyone at CSP has done an exceptional job protecting themselves and others throughout the pandemic. As we move forward, we can all put into practice the general, common sense things that help avoid the spreading of illness and viruses of all kinds:  

  • Wash hands frequently. 
  • Cover your mouth if you sneeze or cough (try to create space from others as you do).
  • Stay home or study remote if you are not feeling well, including times you may feel you simply have a cold. 
  • If you have a fever, sore throat, or other symptoms that could indicate COVID, get tested.  
  • Return-to-campus standards follow our standard guidelines (pre-COVID): 
    • 24 hours at normal temperature (99.5 or less) without medication
    • No excessive coughing
    • No vomiting or diarrhea 

As has been our practice prior to COVID, if a student or employee is generally sick (cold, mild flu-like symptoms, etc.), they should seek guidance from their medical provider about appropriate next steps. However, when signs and symptoms of highly infectious diseases, such as COVID, flu, pink-eye, RSV, pneumonia, and others, simply stay home until cleared by your medical provider.

Distancing/Proximity to Others

As we move into March, CSP facilities will no longer be subject to any specific distancing requirements, but we ask that you continue to show common courtesy and respect for your fellow CSP family members. People have vastly differing comfort levels regarding distancing and the use of face coverings. Some may choose to go maskless, while others feel more comfortable masked. Some individuals will be more comfortable in closer proximity to others, and some will want to maintain larger personal space. 

CSP classrooms, athletic facilities, housing, and common areas are well suited to accommodate a wide range of personal preferences regarding space. Please take cues from others on their own level of comfort with in-person interactions. 

Throughout this pandemic, CSP has been a model of excellence and cooperation. We will continue to be in close contact with state health officials and will track ongoing changes in protocols from the CDC and other governing bodies. As has been the case for nearly two years, we will adjust accordingly – and we will keep you posted as required. 

Thank you all for being part of the solution to an unprecedented societal challenge.