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Callie Mc

Freelance Art Director & Designer

Callie Mc graduated from Concordia University, St. Paul in 2015 with a B.F.A. in Graphic Design. With an impressive portfolio, Mc is now a freelance art director and designer.

At CSP, students can feel prepared for a fulfilling career after graduation. Excellent faculty, thoughtful curriculum, and helpful student resources promote academic and career success. “CSP prepared me for my career by having a faculty that continuously presented real-world examples in lectures and truly cared for each individual. I am proud to know I learned very important skills in leadership from my time at CSP—leading with empathy being the first.”

As someone pursuing a creative career, Mc recognized the value of expert faculty and CSP’s network of alumni and field connections. “CSP faculty’s knowledge in their field, professional working experience, and network of connections is unmatched.”

One of the best things about CSP for Mc was the small class sizes that enabled her to make the most of her education by participating in the classroom more. “The best part of my educational journey at CSP was the hands-on experience I acquired during my time there. Because of the intimate class sizes, I felt heard and included in discussions and critiques…As an individual who would not have spoken up as often or been as involved had it been large lecture halls, I am grateful for this opportunity of growth.”