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Denis Boçi-Beaird

Founder at I Know Nothing Tech®

"Surround yourself with people who love you, believe you, and want you to accomplish your dreams."

When Denis Boçi-Beaird began looking for a school in the Twin Cities to pursue an MBA, he found the MBA program at CSP and loved everything the program had to offer to help him succeed in the business world. He enjoyed learning from the teachers and making connections with the students.

Boçi-Beaird began pursuing his MBA with the intent of opening a business to help seniors navigate technology. “My dad is a Geriatric Doctor, and I watched him work with his patients and knew that I wanted to work with senior citizens and make a difference. After I graduated from Minnesota State University, Mankato, I was a delivery driver for Amazon. I would deliver to senior living centers and saw the sadness within seniors not being connected to loved ones and not using technology to its full potential.” After Amazon, he started working at the YMCA while completing his MBA degree and at the Y he would help Y members with technology and he knew he needed to chase his dream of starting his own business. Boçi-Beaird wanted to do more and with that, he wanted to help everyone that needed tech support. He is now able to help everyone with technology and make a difference!

His company, I Know Nothing Tech, was launched in October 2020, during his time here at Concordia. He explained, “I did not think I was going to start a business while in this program, but when COVID-19 happened, I knew I had to do something to help people who needed tech support.”

He credits Concordia with helping him achieve his goal. “Everything about CSP, from the teachers and the students to the community, made me realize that I need to believe in myself,” Boçi-Beaird says. “Every class just feels like it was meant to help guide me to be successful. I cannot thank each and every one of my teachers enough for believing in me.”

Boçi-Beaird believes that Concordia creates a quality academic experience by “offering a college that believes in their students, does whatever it takes to not give up on their students and education that they will benefit from and use in their career.” He wants to help others pursue their dreams.”

Starting a business was not easy, but Boçi-Beaird does not want people to get discouraged by the challenge. “You will have to be patient, and there are so many emotions, but find what you are passionate about and fall in love with it. When you do that, your work will not be work but something you just love to do! Surround yourself with people who love you, believe you and want you to accomplish your dreams. There will always be challenging times but you have to realize that it will be worth it.”

I Know Nothing Tech – We Make IT Click!