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Jennie Hansen

Chief People Officer at EL1 Sports

Jennie Hansen graduated with an M.A. in Human Resource Management in 2012. Hansen completed her degree completely online through one of CSP Global’s comprehensive online programs. Now, Hansen works at a company called EL1 Sports as their Chief People Officer.

“CSP was the perfect fit for my needs. It offered the specific program I was seeking, a faith-based foundation that aligned with my values, and a flexible online learning format that accommodated my busy schedule and career aspirations.”

Seeking out higher education was important to Hansen for multiple reasons, some of which included career prospects and advancement opportunities. “Higher levels of education lead to greater job opportunities, advancements, and ultimately, higher salaries, and that is certainly the case for me. Doors were opened that otherwise would not have been without the advanced degree.”

Even through an online format, Hansen was able to connect with her peers and form lasting relationships. CSP Global’s small cohort sizes help to lay the foundation for connections between students, making the learning experience well-rounded. “The close-knit environment of my cohort fostered meaningful connections; I’m still friends with several of the individuals in my class!”