Assistant Professor of Business & Program Coordinator at Dakota Wesleyan University

Jessica Carr graduated from Concordia University, St. Paul in 2022 with a Master’s in Education and an Education Specialist degree. She is now the Assistant Professor of Business & Program Coordinator at Dakota Wesleyan University.
CSP supported Carr as an online, out-of-state student. “CSP made me feel included, even when I’m not located in MN! And when I was virtually the only person from my state in my cohort (for both degrees I completed), the professors worked hard to build a sense of culture and belonging amongst the cohort group.”
Carr’s time at CSP allowed her balance between school and her other commitments. “I felt continually supported not only as a learner but in the other roles that I have: mother, wife, working professional, etc. When I started my first graduate degree at CSP, I worried that going back to school would force me to pick between the roles that I have. Instead of making me pick, I was able to continue those roles while learning. There is a deep sense of supporting the learner as a whole from CSP.”
Carr built a supportive and accepting community with classmates and faculty at CSP. “I didn’t feel as though I was doing this alone-I felt supported by fellow cohort members and faculty.”