Assistant Professor of Education

Dr. John Braun serves as Assistant Professor of Education in the Department of Doctoral Studies in Education.
Prior to CSP, his leadership career spanned thirty-one years in the K-12 principalship. He was the principal of Barnum Elementary from 1988 – 1990. He served as principal of Lake Marion Elementary from 1990 – 2014 and as principal of Lakeville South High School from 2014 – 2019, both in Lakeville, MN. Additionally, he was an adjunct faculty member at Saint Mary’s University for twenty years in the Educational Leadership department and was the recipient of the SMU Outstanding Faculty Award.
Academic/Professional Credentials
- Ed.D. Educational Leadership, University of Saint Thomas
- MA. Educational Leadership, College of Saint Thomas
- BA. Elementary Education, Saint Cloud State University
- Minnesota Licenses: Elementary Teaching, K-12 Principalship, and District Superintendent
Professional Affiliations
- Minnesota Elementary School Principals’ Association
- Minnesota Association of Secondary School Principals
- Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Areas of Focus
Mission-Driven Leadership; Ethical Leadership; DEIB; Continuous Improvement Process; Teaching and Learning.
Address: AD 331
Email: [email protected] (Preferred)