Operations Leader in Facilities Management at Target Corporations
Joi Greene earned her graduate degree in Human Resource Management in 2016 from CSP Global. Now, Greene is an Operations Leader in Facilities Management at Target Corporations.
When deciding what university to attend, Greene wanted something that would help her earn her degree quickly while making the transfer process quick and easy. “I went with CSP for a few reasons; I wanted an accelerated program for my undergraduate and then wanted the same for my graduate degree. And also because I knew all my credits would transfer.”
CSP Global offers an accelerated approach to earning a degree, something that was important to Greene when searching for the best fit. Faculty who were both understanding and supportive of students provided resources outside of class to help students succeed. “Most of my instructors were available for any additional help which made the online experience much better.”
Greene’s program added value to her career and helped her along in her professional journey. “I was able to take what I learned in theory and put it in practice.”