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Spring Enrollment Growth Continues


Admissions, University News

Concordia University, St. Paul’s spring enrollment grew nearly 4 percent compared to the same time last year, marking the 13th consecutive spring semester CSP has posted enrollment growth. The Office of Institutional Reporting officially listed the spring semester headcount at 4,857 students, a gain of 183 from a year ago.

Traditional undergraduate enrollment increased 5.5 percent from a year ago, while graduate-level programs (includes masters and doctoral degrees) increased by 4.4 percent. CSP’s adult undergraduate and online programs posted a 1.8 percent increase in enrollment over the prior year.

“We are thrilled our enrollment continues to see positive growth across all student populations particularly in a time of challenges and uncertainty for many in higher education,” said Vice President of Enrollment Management Dr. Kim Craig. “The sustained growth reflects Concordia’s commitment to maintaining relevant curriculum toward their chosen careers or graduate school.”

Concordia’s spring enrollment has nearly doubled in 10 years, gaining 2,402 students compared to its 2009 spring figure of 2,455, while growing by 1,205 students in just five years (2014).

Total headcount accounts for both full time and part-time students enrolled at Concordia.