Marketing Coordinator at University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

In 2022, Emma Lero graduated from Concordia University, St. Paul with a degree in Sports Management. As a student-athlete herself, Lero had an already established passion for the sports and fitness industry before transferring to CSP to pursue her degree. Now, using the skills she developed from her education, Lero works as a Marketing Coordinator for the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.
Lero wasn’t happy with her first college experience, prompting her to transfer to CSP. The small campus in the big city was a major drawing point for Lero. “After my freshman year at another institution, I transferred to CSP because it felt like home. CSP’s campus did not feel like we were in a big city.”
Her professors were one of the most valuable resources she found while earning her degree. “Throughout my time at CSP, I had many conversations with my professors about what options I had. They helped me find which path I wanted to take after college.” With the help of professors who were experts in their respective fields, Lero was able to get the guidance she was looking for when it came to her career journey.
Lero played on CSP’s softball team all four years of her education and being a student-athlete was a huge part of her journey. Participating in athletics helped Lero develop skills that were just as beneficial in the workplace as they were on the field. “Being on the team pushed me in more ways than I could have imagined. I was able to do my internship with the athletic department while in school. The biggest impact that it made on my college experience is the people that I met throughout my time playing. My coaches and teammates have helped get me to where I am today.”